Landlord forced to increase rent by 40% to combat 1.75% rise in interest rates

Amidst the rising cost of living, climbing interest rates, and the plummeting housing market, one minority group has found a clever and simple way to battle rising costs. As a means of offsetting the 1.75% rise in interest rates over the last six months, landlords around Australia have made the tough decision to raise rent costs by 40%. “As far as I’m concerned, this is me being generous,” claimed the writer of this article’s landlord (not joking). “If you don’t like it, leave it.” (Direct quote) Renters across the country have sighed in relief at the news their beloved landlords will make it through these tough times. “Between the decision to have dinner tonight or help my landlord save up for a 14th property, the choice is pretty obvious,” a renter stated. Unfortunately, not all landlords have been so fortunate. Some have had to resort to moving back to live with their parents, due to not being able to find an affordable rental for themselves. Members of the public have reached out to help the landlords, suggesting they try cutting back on avocados.

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