Eras Tour: Taylor Swift shocks fans with surprise guest Harold Holt

Global megastar Taylor Swift has stunned her audience in Melbourne by bringing out former Prime Minister and Marco Polo World Champion Harold Holt for a surprise duet.

“They sang that song for me,” said Katie 30, “no I mean it. I have been going through so much lately and Taylor just knew that I needed to hear Harold Holt singing a tearjerking rendition of The Beatles’ Yellow Submarine.”

“I can’t believe he had that in him,” said Hannah 25, who flew from Sydney after not being able to get tickets to the Sydney show, “everything I have heard about Harold Holt had me thinking this guy was washed up.”

“I was in shock,” said Emma 36, “I couldn’t stop crying. I will never forget that duet. She can really do anything… well besides flying on a commercial flight.”

Reports suggest that Taylor Swift has kindly offered to fly Harold Holt on her private jet back home by flying out aimlessly above the ocean and pushing him out where ever they feel like it.

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