
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has slammed Prime Minister Anthony Albanese over his decision to spend $54 Billion on new navy vessels, saying that it clearly contradicts the ‘Stop the Boats’ policy.
“The quiet Australians have been very clear that what we want is for boats to be stopped,” said Dutton, “and those people are myself and the Murdoch press who never stop talking.”
“Stopping the boats means stopping the boats, not building more. If we increase the number of boats in our waters, what type of message will it send to people smugglers who will now think it is ok to own boats? Having a navy at all is a grave risk to our national security!”
Mr Dutton has now called for Australians to boycott water and to not use boats at all, “follow my lead as I have just rescheduled my next tax-payer funded yacht party for donors to now take place on the roof of an exclusive restaurant instead. It’s a sacrifice I am willing to make for the good of the Australian people.”