
Guide to managing your supportership

So you can stop bugging us

The simplest way to manage your subscriptions is to login to our site, or if you donated/subscribed before 2023, first create a new account using the same email you made your donation with. This will allow you to view, update and cancel any existing subscriptions quickly and easily on our site.

If you do not wish to create an account, you can still use the old method to access your donation and subscription details:

Accessing your supportership details

You can see and manage your supportership details at this page. You’ll need to enter your email, which will then generate a link that will be sent to your email to access your account (we don’t use passwords because that would be too sensible). Once that’s done you’ll see a form like this which will allow you to update payment details, cancel your supportership, see payment history and some other boring stuff.


Updating payment details

Do the above process, and then select ‘Update Payment Info’

Cancelling your supportership

Do the above process, and then select ‘Cancel’