Corey Bernardi has been frantically rushing to get 18C abolished before the closing of PNG and Nauru camps, hoping to greet the refugees with “A copy of the Australian and an interview on the Today Show.”
Bernardi issued a press release earlier this morning stating, “We as politicians and representatives for society, are doing our very best to help people by simply changing their capacity to get ‘offended’ or ‘discriminated against’. It’s better for everyone you see.”
Bernardi was swiftly reminded there was no grammatical reason for inverted commas around the words offended or discriminated.
“As people we cannot control our thoughts, actions or words and for that very I’m sick of people getting themselves all offended! Then trying to blame my words or even my legislative bills”
News Corp Political commentator Chris Kenny has voiced his firm support for Bernardi, “I would be overjoyed to live in a cohesive society with Australia’s newfound refugees, that is devoid of needless lawsuits.”