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After two seasons of watching Mythbusters, Redfern woman Sue Hooper still hasn’t reached a definitive conclusion about the sexual orientation of hosts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman. Months of painstaking anecdotal enquiry have left her only “90% sure that Jamie is gay, and Adam is just his good friend. Or at any rate that Jamie is gay, and Adam is mostly straight but has a little crush on him. Or I guess one of them could be bi, although it doesn’t seem quite right for some reason.”

After two seasons of watching Mythbusters, Redfern woman Sue Hooper still hasn’t reached a definitive conclusion about the sexual orientation of hosts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman. Months of painstaking anecdotal enquiry have left her only “90% sure that Jamie is gay, and Adam is just his good friend. Or at any rate that Jamie is gay, and Adam is mostly straight but has a little crush on him. Or I guess one of them could be bi, although it doesn’t seem quite right for some reason.”
“There’s no question about Jamie,” says Hooper. “Come on – the guy comes from San Francisco, has a Buffalo Bill moustache and wears a beret all the time. He’s got to be gay. But Adam, I’m not sure. He’s just softly spoken, so it’s hard to tell.”
Initially, Hooper worked with the hypothesis that both hosts were gay, and even postulated that they were in a relationship . “In the episode where they busted the myth about cans exploding in hot car, they were arguing like a married couple. And at the end, they got into this kind of macho horseplay. That got me thinking that they could be sleeping together.” Hooper then settled on the idea that the wrestling was just Adam’s way of showing he was comfortable with Jamie’s sexuality, although she admits she has no firm evidence for this view. Repeatedly scrutinizing Adam’s glasses to determine whether they were a gay fashion item or just “geek chic” also proved inconclusive.
Hooper’s analysis was shaken further when her flatmate Carl Sanderson, proposed the radical theory that Adam was gay and Jamie was straight. “Carl claimed that I was just going on stereotypes and that he had once heard Jamie mention his wife,” says Hooper. “I can’t believe it. Maybe it was just an ironic comment. Besides, plenty of gay guys are married,” she added. As a mental exercise, Hooper explored the possibilities that both men were simply gay-acting straights, that one of them was having an affair with a member of the research team, that one of them was straight but they had slept together as a drunken mistake, and that one was gay but celibate, before finally arriving back at the belief Jamie was definitely gay.
Hooper secretly hopes that the show will dedicate an episode to busting the myth that both of them are gay.
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