Local Takes Break from Doing Nothing About Animal Cruelty to Carefully Curate Anti-Melbourne Cup Instagram Post

A local surgical resident has taken a break from posting pictures of her wedding in January to momentarily shift her focus to advocate for the rights of racehorses.

Madison Thompson’s curated post featured a poignant message condemning one of the ten races that are set to run that day, including a graphic image from a prior horse racing incident. The post aimed to raise awareness about the darker aspects of the event.

“I just felt compelled to speak out this time,” explained, her voice filled with sincerity. “I can’t support the Melbourne Cup anymore, I know this may seem controversial, but I just think that breeding animals for human entertainment and pleasure is wrong.”

The post finishes with a simple yet elegant call to action and includes a link for others to donate money or volunteer instead of her.

“I may not have been the most active advocate for animal welfare in the past, but this issue is just public enough that I can garner some attention by espousing a view that nearly everyone else has.”

“I’ve always been passionate about animals, I like so many of them on TikTok and I’ve given serious thought to adopting a rescue greyhound so I can give them a nice home in my inner city one bedroom apartment.”

“Who knows, I might even be able to help spark a bit of conversation and raise some awareness. Say ‘nup’ to the ‘cup’ – hey that’s got a nice ring to it!” 

Madison clarified she will be dressing up and attending her office’s Melbourne Cup party but won’t be betting any money in the sweepstakes or actually watching the race. “That counts right?” 

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