Peter Dutton announces tariffs on Guzman y Gomez

Alleged ‘not a monster’ Peter Dutton has announced another ‘totally original’ policy heading into the election. This time with a plan to introduce tariffs against popularish Mexicanish food chain Guzman y Gomez.

“This is about protecting our country,” said Dutton while pursing his lips and dancing to YMCA, “we should be focusing on Australian foods not this woke food. Things like sausage sandwiches and… umm… well this tariff will help us invent more Aussie foods.”

Dutton did fall short of calling for a wall to be built around Guzman y Gomez restaurants after he learned that the founders are actually white finance bros.

Reports suggest that Dutton is already preparing his next tariff against alcohol brand Canadian Club.

This joke was first heard on The Chaser Report Podcast which is back for 2025, listen here or wherever you get podcasts!

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