New anonymous op-ed claims Trump is “total genius”, “really smart” and “I’m fantastic”

The New York Times has published a second anonymous op-ed piece by a “senior White House official” that paints a very different picture of the inner workings of the Trump administration. The op-ed claims that Donald Trump is “one of the hardest working Presidents in modern history and probably in the whole of history.” It goes onto claim that he gets into work at 6am and doesn’t leave until at least 8pm. “Donald Trump is a total hard-working genius, much better than Obama and even better than Lincoln. I would say he’s the best. Definitely better than Hillary, who was a total dud. I should have locked her up.” It also documents says Trump is “fantastic” at golf, often hitting holes in one, that he donates lots of money to “really, really great causes”, and that women love him in the bedroom. The “senior White House official” goes on to claims that the original anonymous op-ed was “fake news”, “a total fabrication” and obviously done by a “total sleazebag”. “Whoever wrote that editorial, under the veil of anonymity was a coward. The New York Times should never let people publish anonymous opinion pieces,” the anonymous author says. “Anything said against Trump is a lie. After all, I’m fantastic in every way.”

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