Cognitively challenged old white man grossly unfit to lead nation (right) drops out of presidential race

One of the cognitively challenged, old, white men who is grossly unfit to lead the nation has dropped out of the presidential race.
President Joe Biden (right) has selflessly dropped out of the race about three weeks after it was still salvageable for his replacement.
Throughout their respective times in office, both Old Man 1 and Old Man 2 have struggled to get through a whole afternoon without either napping or breaking a fundamental principle of Western democracy.
Kamala Harris is set to become the Democratic presidential nominee, however as a cognitively functional, mentally stable, 59-year-old woman currently serving as Vice President, she is obviously no chance of being elected President by the American people.
“I don’t like someone who has all their mental faculties… it makes me suspicious” says one voter.
While another argued: “It’s important to elect a President once they are 30-40 years past their prime. If we can’t laugh at our fragile President falling down stairs what do we have as a nation?”
Meanwhile, President Biden has today said he emphatically endorses his loyal Vice President Donald Trump to be the candidate to defeat Kamala Harris at this year’s election.