Federal ministers who were trying to read the news online but unable to after it failed to load have let out a sigh of relief after they were informed that this fuck up was not their fault for once.
This after a major content delivery network that is used all around the globe crashed causing many news and other information websites to instantly crash for prolonged periods of time, reports say many NBN users were unable to notice a difference as they are used waiting an unreasonable amount of time for a website to load in 2021.
“Oh thank God it wasn’t us this time,” said a representative for the Liberal Party, “I was sure we had fucked it again. It is a pretty safe assumption normally, but no! I’m so relieved, not only was it someone else’s fault but it also made for a better distraction than a Scomo photo-op ever could. I mean what timing!”
“Well after news was down for an hour I am very concerned that Newscorp may be in need of money, oh they didn’t crash… Well then that is an hour of very expensive overtime picking up the slack of those leftists at the other papers, we should really throw some millions their way to say thanks… Will I be giving money to the ABC? Bahahaha….”(the laughter went on for another 3 hours)