National Archive
A spokesperson for ASIC said that the ignorance claims have “an air of believability about them” although they thought he was still guilty as sin in the One.Tel case.
Meanwhile the recently sacked CEO of telco One.Tel, Jodee Rich, has said he is very pleased he told his friends about One.Tel. “I was so lucky to have the Packer and Murdochs as my friends,” said Rich. “My other buddies don’t have a billion to blow like that.”
Following the collapse Jamie’s father, Kerry Packer, has also promised to tell some of his friends about One.Tel. “Some of my friends will be very interested to hear this story, and when they do, they might get a little bit violent,” he said. It is believed that Mr Packer has advised Rich and Keeling that he may be convinced not to tell his friends if they were to prove to him their great regret, preferably by giving him their kidneys.
Meanwhile Mr Rich and Mr Keeling have responded angrily to claims by Peter Costello that they should give back their $6.9 million bonuses.
Rich claimed he completed all the necessary parts of his job, which included having the name “Rich”, living the high life and buying expensive properties to make it look like the company was going well.
Rich and Keeling have instead blamed the ‘exorbitant wages’ of their call-centre staff for the collapse.
Peter Costello later backed down. “I only said they should ‘consider’ giving the money back.” said Costello. “I thought it was pretty clear that I was just trying to make myself look good to the people that lost out. I really don’t give a shit as long as they keep funding the Liberal party.”
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