Trump pretends not to know English to avoid talking to son

President Trump was apparently caught off guard by journalists today, during an impromptu press conference in which the leader of the free world seemed to not understand a single question put to him by reporters. After an hour long prepared statement to celebrate his “Made In America” week, questions quickly turned to the ongoing Russia scandal, at which point Trump simply smiled, nodded politely, and pointed around at various Washington monuments. When confronted about yesterday’s news that his son Trump Jr will testify before congress on allegations of colluding with Russia, Trump looked dumbfounded and simply stared at the camera for a minute, apparently confused. A CNN reporter is heard asking him again: “Mr President, what did you discuss in your private meeting with Vladimir Putin at the G20?” Trump then just nodded and smiled blankly. “We know you understand us, Mr President,” the journalist persisted, to which the President responded by pointing at CNN’s cameraman, and saying “Bad hombre” in an incredibly politically incorrect Mexican accent. This is not the first time Trump has employed the tactic of pretending not to speak English, since learning the trick from Japanese first Lady Akie Abe. The President was also witnessed implying he didn’t speak English after being approached by his son Donald Jr earlier this morning on the White House lawn. Responding to his son’s wide armed greeting, Mr Trump simply stared confused at his son, before whispering to his secret service attache to remove “This strange man, who I have never met before.” The tactic of pretending not to speak English is also reportedly popular with Mr Trump’s wife Melania Trump. The First Lady has been caught saying things she doesn’t mean on multiple occasions in the past, including her speech at the Republican National Convention, as well as on her wedding day when she said the words “I do”.  

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