Clinton-Putin summit fails to reach agreement on Star Wars: Putin slams prequel approach

Clinton-Putin summit fails to reach agreement on Star Wars: Putin slams prequel approach

[Edition 23] MOSCOW, Wednesday: The summit between the new President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and US President Clinton has been hailed by both sides as “positive” despite a failure to come to a conclusion on the future of the controversial Star Wars project.

Mr Putin argued on behalf of Russia that the United States should call off the Star Wars project “in the interests of the international community”.

“This whole prequel tack has been a mistake” said Putin, “and I have called on the US to stop pouring money into the Star Wars project, which is bound to end in failure”.

Clinton and Putin shake on new deal: ‘No matter what happens Jar Jar goes’

[Edition 23] MOSCOW, Wednesday: The summit between the new President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and US President Clinton has been hailed by both sides as “positive” despite a failure to come to a conclusion on the future of the controversial Star Wars project.

Star Wars has dogged US-Soviet relations in the 1980s. Now it has come to the fore once again between the US and Russia.

“We just don’t seem to be able to reach agreement on even the most basic Star Wars issues” explained President Clinton. “For example, Mr Putin thinks that Qui-gon Jinn is right to train Annakin Skywaker, even though the Jedi Council has forbidden it. I think it’s a mistake”.

Mr Putin rejected Clinton’s comments, saying that he had argued on behalf of Russia that the United States should call off the Star Wars project “in the interests of the international community”.

“This whole prequel tack has been a mistake” said Putin, “and I have called on the US to stop pouring money into the Star Wars project, which is bound to end in failure”.

Despite their differences of opinion on Star Wars though, the two leaders claim to have made a lot of progress at the summit. “We all agree that that annoying Jar Jar Binks character has to go so there is some common ground”, Mr Putin acknowledged, “We also agree that The Chaser should finally let go of the Star Wars gags”.

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