Woman fixes her need to be liked by getting her therapist’s approval

After struggling for years with a chronic need to please people, a woman has finally found an easy solution: pleasing her therapist. 

Local woman Olivia bragged about her discovery on a local Facebook group, saying she’d finally “clocked therapy”.

“The feeling of a therapist telling you they’re proud of you is unmatched,” she said, “I’ve found that if you tell them what they want to hear, you’ll be rewarded with positivity and praise. It’s so efficient.”

“Why spend time focusing on those uncomfortable feelings when you can get an instant dopamine hit instead?”

This is a genius cheat code for therapy and means she doesn’t have to put any effort into doing the work. As a plus, Olivia now no longer vies for her emotionally absent father’s approval without having to actually accept that she’ll never receive it. 

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