Dad reckons it’s not hot enough for the AC yet

A father of four has put his foot down on whether they should runn the air-conditioning on one of the hottest days of the year, saying he doesn’t feel like it’s hot enough yet.”

Despite the pleas of his children for some reprieve during the heatwave. Pete remains determined to prove his own toughness while simultaneously denying that it’s getting increasingly hotter each summer.

“When I was growing up we didn’t have air-conditioning and we managed to survive the 28 degree summer days!” grumbled Peter glancing at a dusty wall mounted remote, “if we start running it every time its really hot, the energy bill will go through the roof.”

“When you own your own home, you can have the air-con going as much as you like. But there is a system and today is not the date I thought of 25 years ago for when I should turn this on.”

His kids have already begun planning ahead in the hopes of being able to convince Pete to use the heater in Winter.

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