Chris Minns says being able to duck to the shops at 2pm distracts from the ‘true meaning’ of ANZAC Day: gambling

Premier of RSLs Chris Minns has announced that he will be extending the ANZAC Day restrictions on retail to last the entire day, explaining that he is concerned that it can distract from the ‘true meaning’ of ANZAC Day: gambling.

“People buying milk at 2pm is not what the diggers fought for,” said Minns, “they fought for people to spend all day at the pub blowing their money away.”

“Any time wasted at the shops is simply disrespectful to their legacy. And any money wasted at the shops is money not being spent on the pokies, which is what the day is meant to be about.”

“So let’s get back to what the day is all about, remembering all the losses we have tragically seen on the slots.”

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