Re-energised Pauline Hanson launches campaign to enshrine a ‘White Voice to Parliament’ into constitution

Re-energised by the recent referendum results, Senator for Racism Pauline Hanson has announced she will pursue a white voice to parliament in 2024.

“Yesterday was a huge win for everyday Australians,” said a giddy Pauline, “we have shown that a lot of people are just racist enough to believe whatever we tell them as long as our billionaire mates flood them with nonsense.”

“We’ve consulted with all the white cultural leaders like John Howard, Alan Jones and Sonia Kreuger and we all agree that this Labor government needs an advisory body to tell them exactly what real Australians want.”

“It’s sad that we we would need to enshrine a voice to parliament into the constitution to make sure white voices are heard, but this is about future proofing for a day when a hypothetical future government might not bend the knee to the Murdoch and Rinehart families.”

Unlike the Indigenous voice to parliament which would have been a non-legislating body – Senator Hanson’s voice committee will have the right to veto any legislation that isn’t 100% in privileged white people’s best interests.

“This powerful advisory body will be based on the model used by our trusted friends in coal and gas, there’ll be over 500 people on six figure salaries whose entire job will be ensuring white people come first in Australia”

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