General News

The Queensland election has drawn to a close with the QLD LNP narrowly achieving “the biggest loss for Labor in decades”, according to Sky News.
“Rarely do we see such defeats in Australian politics,” said one analyst, “The LNP getting enough seats to govern in a majority hasn’t been seen for years and an extra whole seat on top of that? Labor should just disband, honestly.”
“It just goes to show that at least 51% of people are sick of the Labor government breaking their promises and now they have a chance to relive the good old days, where Campbell Newman broke promises but had the decency to lie to everyone about it.”
Sky News Australia also spent around 10 hours of news coverage dissecting the speech of incumbent premier Steven Miles who they described as ‘Recklessly waiting for the actual result of the election before stepping down.’
“It just goes to show Labor doesn’t care about our political systems, if you’re not willing to run away at the first sign of trouble are you even an Australian Politician.”