QLD LNP decides teens are old enough to be criminally responsible, not old enough to know what gender they are

The Queensland government have made the decision that 10 year olds are mature enough to be locked away for petty crimes, however 17 year old trans kids aren’t mature enough to get safe reversible hormone treatment with the supervision of medical professionals.

“We must protect these children,” said premier Crisafulli , “get them out of those doctors offices and into solitary confinement. I mean who knows the damage that these treatments can do, well besides medical professionals of course.”

This comes after their decision last year that the teens who they are happy to just let rot in prison, can’t be responsible for a youtube account.

“How can we trust these teens to know what gender they are, I mean some of them are old enough to drive to their job, but getting treatment that will lower their risk of self harming? They just aren’t ready.”

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