PM’s office devises Fraser Anning egging plan to salvage some public approval

The Liberal Party marketing team has today frantically been seen attempting to purchase eggs at a small town shop in rural Australia, as the Prime Minister tours the region, in a last ditch bid to regain some public approval for the PM via a traditional Australian Nazi egging. However, the plan has already hit a setback, with the Prime Minister’s team facing a 4 hour wait at the shops in order to buy a single punnet of eggs as food shortages take their toll. “Can’t you let us cut the line? Look, we’re from the Prime Minister’s office!” the PR team begged locals, before being booed and moved further back in the line. However, in the end the team were able to gather a large number of eggs from friendly locals who kindly threw their donations at the Prime Minister as he passed by. UPDATE: Morrison’s attempted egging of Frasier Anning failed to take place due to a clash with the Prime Minister’s prior arranged holiday to Bali.
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