Fuck it feels good to ignore work emails

Workers around the country have been left in shock as they can actually relax tonight following the new ‘right to disconnect’ laws that were brought in thanks to one of those rare times when Labor and the Greens actually work together.

The new rules, which mean that bosses can only expect a response if the employee is on call or it’s an emergency, have meant that workers around the country can spend less time constantly checking their emails, and more time constantly checking social media.

“Fuck it feels good to ignore work emails,” said local worker John, “I don’t have to worry about whatever bullshit is in my inbox and can instead just watch whatever mind numbing fun I want. Normally I’d have to go on holiday for this kind of luxury.”

“Unless of course my boss is reading this, which in that case I am obviously just saying this as a joke and am just devastated that I have to ignore whatever clearly important work you are sending me. But sadly rules are rules.”

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