General News
Channel 7 dismisses 4Corners’ findings after discovering that the reporting was done by a woman
Channel 7 has responded to the explosive expose from 4Corners accusing the network of having a culture of bullying, sexism and sexual harassment. The network dismissed the findings of reporter Louise Milligan after discovering that the piece wasn’t done by a man accused of horrific acts.
“There are no patriarchal issues here,” said a 7News executive after business expensing cocaine on the way to get a ‘massage’, “any assertions that we have a cultural problem should not be respected, because those assertions are made by women.”
“We are just firm believers in second chances, and third chances, and as many other chances you need. Unless of course you do something as horrible as report sexual harassment to hr, there is no second chances for that.”
“4Corners don’t even know how to do proper journalism, I mean Milligan didn’t even offer to cover an alleged rapist’s rent to get the story out. Amateurish stuff really.”