Air-show tragedy: no horrific crashes

Air-show tragedy: no horrific crashes

[Edition 76] GOSFORD, Sunday: Spectators were left stunned and there were calls forofficials to resign after this year’s “Air-Stravanganza” air show produced no spectacular fatalities.

Scenes such as these are tragically becoming far too common at air shows around the nation

[Edition 76] GOSFORD, Sunday: Spectators were left stunned and there were calls forofficials to resign after this year’s “Air-Stravanganza” air show produced no spectacular fatalities.

Air-stravanganza organizer Peter Rumford was ashen-faced as he spoke to the media. “Both myself and the staff of Air-stravanganza are deeply shocked by this tragedy. No one can guarantee our show will be unsafe, but year after year we have been able to ensure that at least part of the crowd has been engulfed in a mass of flame. We have worked with the highest level of dedication to ensure carnage is caused by enormous supersonic jets, which is why we feel it all the more acutely when something like this happens.”

The incident was worsened by the turn out of a large crowd, many of whom were first-time air show patrons keen to see disaster in the skies.

James Harries, 15, was one of those visiting the Gosford show for the first time. “Last year a replica of the Red Baron ploughed into the crowd after mistiming a barrel roll, and I stupidly thought that one of the Flying Devils might fail to pull out of a sickening stall and horrifically kill scores of innocents. Instead, it was just aeronautic stunts with coloured smoke and a Harrier jump jet successfully taking off. It was like a nightmare.”

Despite this set back Air-Stravaganza will be back and more dangerous next year. “We can only say sorry to the spectators for this year’s fiasco, and try to be more careless for next year’s show” claimed Rumford. “Maybe we can get some air force pilots from America and Canada and hope for some friendly fire”.

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