New Metallica album sparks wave of copyright compliance

New Metallica album sparks wave of copyright compliance

[Edition 21] SAN DIEGO, Monday: Amid the online copyright controversy from legal action against software company Napster, heavy metal band Metallica has released its 12th album, Kopy Kat Killer. In the wake of the law suit, the new album has been met with unprecedented levels of adherence to copyright law.

[Edition 21] SAN DIEGO, Monday: Amid the online copyright controversy from legal action against software company Napster, heavy metal band Metallica has released its 12th album, Kopy Kat Killer. In the wake of the law suit, the new album has been met with unprecedented levels of adherence to copyright law.

When asked what they thought about the new work yesterday, most fans insisted they had “no comment” or referred all questions to their legal advisers. Many also refused to answer their doors and be interviewed, though some fans claimed this was simply because of their aversion to “fucking sunlight man”.

Despite the litigious climate some fans have been spoken out. Stephen Milson of South Carolina told reporters that he had not been scared into conforming to the copyright restrictions on the new album. “It’s not the law” he said, “it’s just that the album sucks big time. I haven’t heard such a load of unmitigated crap since their last album”.
But the copyright controversy has put large numbers of fans off Metallica, with yet to be determined social consequences.

Millions of disaffected teenage boys who identified with Metallica to express their alienation from society and bad fashion sense are now disaffected with Metallica and feeling alienated from their heavy metal heroes. “We don’t know how these people will react”, said a leading sociologist. “We have to hope that they’ll just keep moping around the house finding other less violent outlets for their frustration. Like self-mutilation or torturing little animals. But we’re talking about freaks here, so a couple of high school or mall-type shootings are on the cards as well”.

Some disaffected fans have taken even more extreme measures in protest, including talking to other people, not wearing black and, in some cases, washing.

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