“Immigrants are invading the country” claims President trying to invade every other country
These Americans, they aren’t sending their best presidents
Cunt out-cunts Cunt
Two world-class cunts came together to have a cunt-off at the White House.
Albanese asks Trump what level of concern he will be allowed to express moving forward
“Are we talking grave concerns, deep concerns, or just a bit worried?”
Mexico closes border to fleeing Americans
“They’re coming here, eating the hot dogs, they’re eating the Catalina beans! It’s got to stop!”
Trump pledges to send astronauts to Mars to hunt down “illegal aliens”
Trump pledged to protect the US border by focusing on a place 225 million kilometres away from it.
Greenland renames itself “Russia” to avoid hostilities from Trump Government
Trump ended up losing interest in the land after discovering it is not as grassy as the name suggests.
2025’s Writers begin new season with subtle foreshadowing
“Massive fires and the antagonist wanting to buy Greenland? This season is starting a bit heavy handed.”
Trump floats plan to takeover and destroy all other nations immediately
“The best way to protect American jobs is to make everyone American.”